Tuesday, 28 October 2008
Academic Writing : Becoming a Member of the Community

Thursday, 23 October 2008
Academic Writting : Language Learning

Wednesday, 22 October 2008
Academic Writting : Identity and Learning

Wednesday, 15 October 2008
Characteristics of a rite: New born baby (Kekah)

Thursday, 18 September 2008
Academic writing : Parenting, Gender & Stereotypes

Then, my father advised me that I could not torture animals like what I just did. After a while, my father and sister accompanied me to the playground. I buried all the animals near the see-saw. From the experience, I learned that if we did bad things to anything or anybody we would get the reciprocation back. So, we must be kind to animals, they are innocent.
The Sweet Memories of Being Taught About Something.
However, now I don’t have to be sad anymore because we had moved to Kuala Lumpur. My mom was also transferred here. We continue our happy life together, but I miss all my cousin in Mentakab so much!
Sunday, 14 September 2008
Academic Writing : Modern Advertising
The television commercial for SN Brussels Airlines is efficient and smart. At the beginning, you see a stewardess is rushing to the information counter. She ask the woman at the information counter about Mr. Smith. Then the woman says that Mr. Smith has just boarded. After a while, she calls the stewards and stewardesses to tell about Mr. Smith news. Next, the other stewards tell the news to the other staffs and they quickly rush to the airbase. Suddenly, the pilot sees all the stewards and stewardesses assemble on the airbase. The pilot makes an announcement to Mr. Smith that there is a message for him outside the window. Then Mr. Smith looks through the window and sees the stewards and the stewardesses are making a form of his name. After a while, they change the form to “It’s a boy”. Finally, Mr. Smith gets the message and he is happy that he gets a son.